It's Free!
Every month Dennis writes an article pertaining to spiritual growth, the ways of God, the Holy Spirit, and other important topics vital for the building up of believers. These are more than articles – most of these pamphlets are miniature Bible studies on themes that can make a tremendous difference in your life! Others contain biographical sketches that give valuable insights into the ways of God. They have been used by Bible study groups across the country, as well as enjoyed by individual believers. These articles are produced in pamphlet form so that they can be shared with others, and passed from one to another. We also provide multiple copies for groups and individuals at a minimal price.

You can read the newsletter and monthly article on our website, but you may find it more convenient to have them come to your home where you can read and re-read them at your leisure, and pass them on to friends or co-workers who might benefit from them. Also we grantGoodness of God permission for you to duplicate them by your own means and produce as many as you like.
Best of all the pamphlets are free! They come with each Spirit of Grace newsletter each month directly to your home when you ask to be on our mailing list. The newsletter itself also contains important articles, along with the latest news from our mission outreaches.
All that’s necessary for you to start receiving these pamphlets and our newsletter is for you to send us your physical address. Send us your address today and you will be immediately placed on our newsletter mailing list.
The regular newsletter is mailed to U. S. addresses only. If you live in another country, please request to be placed on our email newsletter list.

Just for you!

Especially for readers
If you love the Word, you will enjoy these teachings, bios, and meditations.

Audio Devo: "Why is there suffering?"
People have debated this question for millennia. And we cannot speak concerning specific individual questions of suffering, but the Bible clearly speaks as to why suffering has always been a part of the human experience.
Missions Outreach
A major part of Spirit of Grace Ministries is our ministry in the great continent of Africa. In the above video Dennis shares exciting news about a recent mission which involved our “JESUS CONFERENCE,” plus a free medical clinic, and the provision of food for local widows in Bungoma, Kenya.