Spirit of Grace Ministries

Feeding Jesus' Sheep / Equipping His Servants / Proclaiming His Gospel


Welcome to the website of Spirit of Grace Ministries.

We are a ministry dedicated to sharing the word of God worlwide and encouraging God’s people to make Jesus foundational in their lives and ministries. Through African video conferences, podcasts, YouTube series on Bible subjects and characters, and sponsoring free African medical clinics and food distribution for widows, we are committed to promoting an awareness of the goodness of God and the centrality of Jesus Christ.

Dennis and Benedicta Pollock are the evangelists and teachers for Spirit of Grace Ministries. Since Dennis’ early days as a Christian he has passionately studied such topics as: Revival, the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, Bible prophecy, prayer, and evangelism. After many years of intensive study and their practical application in ministry (as a pastor and then as an associate with Lamb & Lion Ministries), God called Dennis to teach these things to the body of Christ. Benedicta teaches, preaches, and shares the powerful testimonies of God’s grace in her life. This web site contains many teachings and truths that are vital to a healthy walk with the Lord and effective ministry.


Kitale, Kenya Jesus Conference, Feb, 2025

We have had outstanding reports of our latest African mission in Kitale, Kenya. Last year we launched a new mission outreach centered around a “Jesus Conference.” This was a video presentation, featuring Benedicta and me teaching about Jesus: Who He is, what He taught, and the paramount importance of abiding in Him and including Him in every sermon and teaching. The conference consisted of 4 days with 5 videos being shown each day. We provided meals and snacks in between the videos, and also organized discussions and testimonies. This format turned out to be a great hit, and was loved by the pastors, evangelists, and teachers, for whom it was targeted.

We started small, only allowing a registration of 25 people for that first conference. With each new conference we carefully increased our registration. And in each conference, we found more people coming to these meetings, even unregistered. Because we purchased food for the amount registered, there were times that our coordinating pastors had to tell some of these unregistered folks that there simply was not enough food for them to be included in the meals. But they were so eager to watch these videos, their reply was usually: “We understand, but please allow us to sit in on the teachings. We will provide our own food.”

One particular message has proven so popular, especially among the evangelists, that they have begged that it be replayed at the end of the day, sometimes for several days straight. I created a video teaching called “The Components of Evangelism,” and the African evangelists just cannot get enough of it. In this video I share the fundamental components that must be included in every evangelistic presentation, and even though it seems pretty basic and simple, many of these men and women find it compelling and want to hear it again. In our last conference in Kitale, some of the attendees from one church went out to evangelize after the meeting was over. They were determined to put some of these insights into practice and were so effective that on Sunday at their church ten new people came to the service as a result.

Many said that nobody had ever trained them in these important aspects of winning souls to Christ. Your support of this ministry makes it possible for us to conduct these meetings. As always, the goal of this ministry is to feed Jesus’ sheep, to equip His servants, and to proclaim His gospel. And we praise God for the opportunities to do just that.

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