Free Bible Resources

These are messages produced by Spirit of Grace Ministries as a part of our ongoing “1250 Project.” The audio versions normally run around 12 minutes. We intend, by God’s grace and help, to produce 1,250 of these devotional messages. New titles are constantly being added, so check back frequently.

We provide these Bible resources to you at no cost. However if these teachings are being used by God to enrich your spiritual life, and you find yourself coming back to this website frequently, we ask that you consider making regular donations to help us carry on this ministry.

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2-Phase Program, God's

– 494 A study of how God first prepares His servants, and then launches them into the fullness of the ministry for which He created them. article / mp3

5 Rules for Answered Prayer

– 584 Is God willing to answer prayer? Are there rules that we should keep in mind when we pray? article/mp3

The Abiding Life,

– 175 Jesus commands us to abide in Him, and promises that if we do, we shall bear much fruit, our prayers will be answered, and the Father will be glorified. article / mp3

Abraham: "From One Man..."

– 274 An overview of God’s salvation plan, and how He chose one man, Abraham, to begin a race of people He would use to make Himself known to the world. article / mp3

Acceptance - Key to Relationships

– 354 A study of Paul’s admonition to accept one another just as Christ has accepted us. article / mp3

Adorn the Gospel

– 68 A study of how God uses attractiveness to decorate the gospel, and how the charisma of Christ is available to all God’s children. article / mp3

Angels Call Him LORD

-578 People tremble before Angels but Angels tremble before Jesus. article / mp3

African Missions, Lessons from

– 89 Parallels between an African mission and the Christian life in general. article / mp3

Benefits of Age

– 342 Despite the obvious negatives, there are some tremendous assets to old age. Dennis gives a couple of Biblical examples where age proved superior to youth. article / mp3

Aging in Christ

– 404 Some thoughts about why older believers are blessed, and why they would not want to “go back and do it all over again.” article / mp3

Aggressive Christianity

– 221 By considering the life of General U. S. Grant, we can learn how Christians are to “fight the fight of faith.” article / mp3

Muhammad Ali

– 117 A parable about spiritual warfare. article / mp3

All We Have is a Gift

 – 205 A study of three important questions Paul asks the Corinthian believers, which demonstrate clearly that none of us has any reason for boasting. article / mp3

Alone, Not Good to be

– 428 The first thing recorded in Scripture that was “not good” was the idea of a man being alone. Why people need people! article / mp3

Angry, Andrew Wommack Says God is Never Angry, But I Don't Buy It!

– 499 In this article Dennis shares excerpts from an artaicle by Andrew Wommack, stating that God is never angry with anyone, ever, and He will never judge any nation. Dennis thoroughly disagrees. article / mp3

Anointed with the Spirit

 – 320 How the anointing of the Spirit works in us individually, according to God’s own purpose and gifting. article / mp3

The Corporate Anointing

 – 330 There is an anointing that comes upon groups, churches, and sometimes cities. We have called it revival, spiritual awakening, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. By any name it is a wonderful phenomenon for which all Christian should yearn and pray. article / mp3

Anointing for Non-preachers

– 113 It almost seems that many Christians believe that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is FPO (for preachers only). Nothing could be further from the truth! article / mp3

The Antichrist

 – 222 A Biblical study of this mysterious and evil character prophesied to arise in the Last Days. article / mp3

Prescription for Apostasy

– 456 Dennis’ response to the announcement by prominent former pastor, Joshua Harris, that he is no longer a Christian. article / mp3

The Apostles vs Today’s Ministers

– 454 A study of how and why the apostles of the Bible days were so radically different from so many of today’s ministers.  article / mp3

Asbury Revival - Was it a Real Revival?

– 572 Why is it so difficult to accept a great movement of the Holy Spirit? article / mp3

As For Me...

– 521 Dennis shares why American believers (and most other believers around the world) should be alarmed, but thankful and joyful, even while living in a world that is falling apart. article/mp3

Asking and Receiving

 – 475 When you learn just how strongly Jesus emphasized prayer and its ability to bring heaven’s blessings into your life – you will pray! article / mp3

Associated Blessings

 – 409 Since we know that God’s blessings are “all of grace,” why is it that in some cases God puts conditions on His promises? article / mp3

Assuming Salvation

 – 437 The Bible warns us to not assume we are saved without first testing ourselves. The dangers of the worst assumption of all. article / mp3

At the King's Pleasure

– 04 An enlightening study of the way we must serve our Lord Jesus. article / mp3


– 632 Abiding in Christ is the key to faithfulness. article / mp3

Jim Bakker, - The good, the bad, and the ugly

– 268 Jim Bakker is truly one of the founding fathers of Christian television. His story is inspiring and heartbreaking. What can we learn from the life of this gifted, but fragile man? article / mp3

Balaam - A Strange Story and a Strange Guy!

– 328 Does the prophet who talked to his donkey have anything to say to us today? You bet he does! article / mp3

Balaam, Part 2 - The Thing to Fear

– 329 A further and important lesson from the story of Balaam. Here we learn the one thing we Christians are allowed and even encourged to fear. article / mp3

Like the Beasts that Perish

– 276 The psalmists describes the death of the sinner as that of beasts that perish. A meditation based on this sobering thought, an how the reverse is true for believers. article / mp3

Becoming Receivers

 – 484 Fundamentals of how we can receive from the giving hand of our generous Heavenly Father. article / mp3

The Believer's Lifestyle

– 289 A study of Romans 12, and Paul’s instructions about how the followers of Christ are to live. article / mp3

Believing God's Love

– 566 Do you believe that God really loves you as an individual or just humanity in general? article / mp3

– 658 Benedicta Pollock shares the dramatic testimony of how she was born again at the age of 19. article /

Two Benefits of Abiding in Christ

– 588 Fruitfulness and answered prayer come with abiding in Christ. article / mp3

Raymond Berry - Soft hands, transformed heart

 – 179 The testimony of the great football player, who was Johnny Unitas’ favorite receiver, found Jesus Christ. article / mp3

Beyond the Minimum

– 193 In Christ we receive the love of God which always gives the maximum; never the minimum. article / mp3

Blessed Coming In and Going Out

-616 Do you know the key to receiving God’s blessings? article/mp3

Give Thanks for Temporary Blessings

 – 400 Many blessings come with a divine “expiration date” on them. This is not a reason to complain, but to thank God. article / mp3

Your Body and You

– 476 What the Bible teaches about our bodies – that we are not our body, but we live in our body. article / mp3

While in the Body

 – 462 The Bible tells us that we shall all be judged and all Christians rewarded for the works they have done “while in the body.” article / mp3

Dietrich Bonhoeffer , - Pastor, Theologian, Double Agent

 – 123 A fascinating glimpse of the life, ministry, and death of the German theologian who dared oppose Adolf Hitler. article / mp3

Bonnie & Clyde - and a lesson for all of us outlaws!

– 171 The story of the famous outlaw couple, which serves as a powerful illustration of why “turning ourselves in” to the source of divine law is infinitely preferable to continuing as an outlaw. article / mp3

Borden, William: "No Regrets"

– 157 The amazing story of a wealthy young heir who gave up all for Jesus. article / mp3

Boring Guys, In Defense of

– 411 Many of the qualities the world considers “boring” God consider immently valuable and important. Learn why boring can be better. article / mp3

Born This Way, I Was

– 109 Like it or not, much of what we are is the result of the “package” we receved at birth. Understanding this helps a lot in our life to make sense, and helps us to be less judgmental. article / mp3

Breakthroughs and Breakouts

 – 99 Anyone who prays has found himself praying for a breakthrough at some point in his life – most of us often! Be encouraged to learn the way to your needed breakthrough! article / mp3

Builder of Men and Women, Jesus

– 425 When Jesus saves us, our lives are usually in chaos and badly needing restoration. But just as the earth was without form and then was made beautiful by the creative hand of God, so it is with us. article / mp3

Called to Discipleship

– 511 A look at the importance of advancing God’s kingdom and the meaning of discipleship. article / mp3

Called to a Quiet Life

– 28 Thoughts about the quiet life Paul encourages us to live. article / mp3

Can God Be Good?

– 601 If God is good why do people suffer? Or would a good God prevent suffering at any cost even if it meant revolking free will? article/mp3

Charisma of Jesus, The

 – 202 Wherever Jesus went, people were drawn to Him. What was the source of this incredible magnetism that our Lord possessed? And could it be useful in our own lives? article / mp3

Celebrities and Their Causes

562 Sadly, most well known personalities are not devoting themselves to causes of eternal significance. article / mp3

Saved Children

– 301 The absolute necessity of helping our children find Jesus Christ. article / mp3

Christ and the Christian

– 195 Many times we recognize Jesus as a “past-tense” Savior, but fail to see Him as an ongoing Savior, our continual source of life and fruitfulness. article / mp3

Christ in Us

– 279 A study of Galatians 2:20, the premiere declaration of what it is to live as a Christian. article / mp3

Christianity Lite

– 290 Many evangelicals have settled for a “lite” gospel which promises much, asks little, and shuns all negativity. article / mp3

Christl-less Christianity

– 500 There is an anemia in many parts of the church today, due to a lack of Christ. Believers are starving by being fed principles, but not Christ. article / mp3

Christ's return, Many Witnesses to

– 33 A look at the plethora of witnesses to Christ’s return in the New Testament. article / mp3

Church, The Changing

– 214 In case you haven’t noticed it – the church is changing! In this devotional we see why it must be this way, and some of the things that must never change. article / mp3

Churchill, Winston - A Chosen Instrument but a Lost Man

– 260 A sketch of the dramatic life of Winston Churchill, and a discussion of why God sometimes chooses men who do not know Him to accomplish His purposes in the earth. article / mp3

Commands, The Two Other

– 386 We have heard about the two great commands of Jesus: to love God and to love our neighbor. But there are two others just as important! article / mp3

Compassion of Jesus, The

– 369 A study of how our Lord Jesus was “moved with compassion,” and the good news that is for us today. article / mp3

Confidence in Ministry

– 309 Although ministry can be a fearful thing, yet there are very powerful reasons why God’s children should approach this daunting task with confidence. article / mp3

Confess Their Sins?, Should Christians

– 529 John says that if we confess our sins God will be faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us. But aren’t Christians already forgiven? article / mp3

Conformed - The Good and the Bad

– 321 Should believers be conformists? Yes and No. The Bible has strong things to say about the good and the bad of conformity. article / mp3

Confusion - It's not All Bad!

– 215 Sometimes we are told that all confusion is of the devil and made to feel ashamed any time we can’t figure out what going on in our lives. Learn why this is exactly wrong. article / mp3

Conservative, Jesus the

– 194 Was Jesus conservative or liberal? In this study Dennis shows that Jesus was for the most part conservative and traditional, but also radical, and in one sense very much liberal. article / mp3

Consider it All Joy

– 596 How can we be joyful in sorrow? article /mp3

Consolation, The God of

– 294 So often we want to console and comfort the hurting, but we feel inadequate. It is right that we should try, but God is the ultimate comforter and consoler of the weak and hurting. article / mp3

Conviction and Repentance

– 101 Whose job is it to convict the sinner of his sin – the Holy Spirit’s or ours? The answer is… both! article / mp3

Coolness Factor, Jesus and the

– 196 Why Jesus will never be considered cool by this world’s standards. article / mp3

Cornelius, What God Saw in

– 244 A study of the centurion, Cornelius, and the dramatic angelic message he received – and why! article / mp3

Crafted by God

– 399 We are no accident. You were made by God and He has a definite purpose in mind for your life! article / mp3

Culture of the Bible

– 242 A study of Biblical culture and how it is to affect believers today. article / mp3

Culture War in America

– 78 Thoughts about the American culture war, and how Christian are to respond to a society that is growing increasingly hostile to Biblical morality. article / mp3

Culture War, More Thoughts About The

– 487 A survey of the radical difference between Christian vs secular culture. Why evangelicals think the way they do. article / mp3

Culture within a Culture

– 213 The church of Jesus Christ is called to transcend our local culture and to truly become a culture within a culture. article / mp3

Cup is Full, When the

– 265 The Bible teaches that God’s wrath is stored, little by little, and then eventually poured out, once the cup is full. Is America’s cup filling up? article / mp3

Damaged People

– 380 Some people just don’t seem equipped to navigate through this world. Why those who are strong must help those who are not. article / mp3

Danger of Self Deception -

519 One of the scariest insights we can grasp is that it is possible for us to be sure we are right – and be dead-wrong! article / mp3

Daniel - A Remarkable Man

– 278 An overview of the life and character of Daniel, the Jewish prophet who served Babylonian kings. article / mp3

David & Bathsheba

– 176 Insights into David’s infamous sin of committing adultery with Bathsheba and having her husband killed. article / mp3

David and Joab, The Strange Relationship between

– 392 A study of the why and how David endured Joab as his top military life throughout his reign. A great lesson for leaders in business or the ministry! article / mp3

David's Melancholy Prayer

– 611 Like David, we are all strangers and sojourners in the present world. But who would want to live here forever anyway? article/mp3

David's Restoration -

629 Guilty sinners can be saved, and straying believers can be restored. article/mp3.

David's Violent Life - The Price He Paid

– 439 Kind David was an anomaly – he lived a very violent life, and yet he was a man of God who wrote beautiful poems to the Lord. article / mp3

Day of Christ 1 – The Resurrection

– 75 A study of the first event of the Day of Jesus Christ – the resurrection from the dead. article / mp3

Day of Christ 2 – The Rapture

– 76 A teaching on the second event of the Day of Christ – the Rapture of the church. What is it, and why do we need to think about it? article / mp3

Day of Christ 3 – Judgment Seat of Christ, The

– 45 The third event of the day of Christ. What is it for? Why will we be there? article / mp3

Days of Noah, As it was in the

– A study of Jesus’ famous declaration that the Last Days will be similar to the days of Noah and the days of Lot. article /mp3

Death Sentences

– 36 We all feel those “sentences of death” in our lives from time to time. Why this is and why we can still maintain our faith even in such situations. article / mp3

Decisions 1 - Impact of Decisions

– 47 The huge impact decisions will make in your life. article / mp3

Decisions 2 - Easy Decisions

– 51 In some decisions we have it easy. Those decisions have already been made for us. article / mp3

Decisions 3 - Conservative Approach, A

– 52 In making decisions, the Bible generally recommends a conservative approach. article / mp3

Decisions 4 - Non-conservative decisions

– 53 While God generally encourages conservative living and choices, there are times when He asks us to do things that are decidedly “un-conservative.” article / mp3

Decisions 5 - Spirit-led decisions

– 58 In decision making logic and common sense are valuable, but we must never forget to trust the Holy Spirit to lead us. article / mp3

Decisions 6 - Impulsive Decisions

– 62 One of the worst Bible words is “haste;” one of the best is “consider.” article / mp3

Decisions 7 - Deciding for your future

– 67 Regardless of what a wreck you have made out of your life, as you change your decisions, you can change your destiny. article / mp3

Deity of Christ, The

– 06 One of the major doctrines of the Scriptures pertaining to our Lord Jesus. article / mp3

Delay, The Blessing of

– 74 How God uses delay in the life of His children to grant blessings that far exceed the petitions. article / mp3

Delay and Perseverance

– 391 A study of the power of perseverance in the face of delay. It we want God’s best, we must learn this lesson. article / mp3

Deliverance from Our Personal Prisons

– 514 Could there be a simple key to being released from our personal struggles? Dennis explores the impact of thankfulness. article / mp3

Delusions and their Cure

– 283 Delusions make up a major aspect of mental illness. But far more destructive are spiritual delusions… article / mp3

Demands of Jesus

– 211 Jesus’ call is a call to discipleship. And He makes definite demands of those who would follow Him. article / mp3

Desires of our Heart, Given the

– 127 One of our favorite Bible promises is found in Psalm 37: “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” A study of just how God fulfills this promise in our lives. article / mp3

Devo, The Creation of

– 371 A devo about devos! In this little devo Dennis shares how the idea of the devo was birthed through a failure in his ministry. article / mp3

Did James and Paul Preach the Same Gospel?

– 563 Did Paul’s emphasis on grace overide James emphasis on works? Did they disagree about the road to salvation? article / mp3

Diet of Christ

– 501 So many in the church today are neglecting Jesus, and they are malnourished as a result. Here we’ll look at the apostle Paul, and his example. article / mp3

Disappearance of Jesus from Christmas

– 460 Why has Jesus disappeared from American Christmaas celebrations, and what can we do about it? article / mp3

Disappointments, Overcoming Major

Life would be so much better if it weren’t for all the unexpected, incredibly painful disappointments. Why would God do/allow such things? And how can we overcome the death of our dreams? article / mp3

Disappointments and Consolations

– 447 Every one of us will face disappointments in life, but we need to realize that when God allows major disappointments, He grants major consolations. article / mp3

Discipleship and Salvation

– 384 Can one be saved and not be a disciple of Jesus. In this study Dennis shares the necessity of life transformation in salvation. article / mp3

Disciplined Life, A

– 84 One of the major marks of being a disciple of Jesus is discipline. Discipline scares us but it doesn’t need to. Learn why there is hope for us all. article / mp3

Disposable People

– 239 We throw away Styrofoam coffee cups, paper plates, and plastic razors. Sadly we also throw away people and relationships. A study of our need to preserve relationships. article / mp3

Distractions, Beware of

– 104 Why we must “lay aside every weight” and keep a single-minded devotion to Christ. article / mp3

Distractions and Foundations

– 463 Even though we live in an age where we have more knowledge available than ever before, Christians don’t seem as Biblically literate as in previous generations. The problem: we are far too distracted! article / mp3

Does God Have a Diet for Men & Women? -

608 The Bible mentions food a lot and a very special type of bread in particular. article/mp3

Don't Lose Your Reward

– 541 Sadly many Christians are unaware of the rewards that are lost as a result of errant disobedience. article / mp3

Don't Worry but Plan -

600 The perfect balance of trust and preparation can produce great results as we seek the Lord. article/mp3

Do Sinners Need to Repent? -

603 Does the need to repent go away when a person becomes a Christian? article/mp3

Do What You Can

– 471 New believers are often very eager to be used by the Lord, which is as it should be. But sometimes they become overeager and reach for levels and ministries which God never ordained for them. This message brings encouragement to those who realize that maybe they won’t be quite all they hoped to be, but can still achieve great things. article / mp3

Dreams, Cautions about Following Your

– 97 “Follow Your Dreams” is one of the most popular slogans around these days, but there are some basic cautions Christians need to understand in this area. article / mp3

Dreams, Lord of Our

– 461 Followers of Christ must balance dreams of greatness with God’s plan for their lives, and learn to be flexible when God wants to modify their ambitions. article / mp3

Dynamic Duo: Combining Theology with Godly Behavior

– 137 A study of Paul’s epistles, and how he combines Christ-centered theology with a call for godly living. article / mp3

Early Days in Christ, My

– 373 Dennis shares about those exciting, turbulent, challenging, early days after giving his life to Jesus. article / mp3

Editing Your Life

– 129 – Editing is not just for writers and filmmakers – God is in the business of editing lives. And He calls us to join in the process! article / mp3

Eichmann, Adolf - Bureaucratic Murderer

– 232 A biographical sketch of the notorious Nazi, Adolf Eichmann, and thoughts about how he serves as a parable to all of us. article / mp3

Elect of God, The

– 250 Christian are called “elect” and God makes it plain that just as we chose Him, He chose us. A look at this perplexing, but clearly Biblical concept article. / mp3

Elijah, the Widow, and the Dried-up Brook

– 341 A study of how God called Elijah to move from living by a brook to going to Sidon to live with a widow – and how he uses “dried-up brooks” in our lives. article / mp3

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